Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I bring a guest to TriNet President's Club 2019?
Yes, you can bring an adult guest (over 18 years) to TriNet President's Club 2019 at TriNet's expense. Your guest for this event should be your spouse/significant other. If you do not have a spouse/significant other to bring, an adult family member or friend may join you if they are not a former employee of TriNet, Gevity, Accord HR, SOI or Ambrose. 
Please note: If your significant other works for TriNet and qualifies for President's Club as well, you are not entitled to bring a separate guest; you must attend with each other. If your significant other works for TriNet and has NOT qualified for President's Club, a request to bring them must be submitted for review and approval by TriNet's Executive Sales Team.
2. Can I bring my children to TriNet President's Club 2019?
Yes, you may bring your children (under the age of 18) to TriNet President's Club 2019. However, please note that you will be responsible for all of their expenses, including all air, hotel, porterage, gratuities, meals and activities. Children are not permitted to attend any of the evening events or hosted activities on Saturday, April 25. However, children are invited to participate in non-hosted activities on Sunday, April 26. It will be your responsibility to arrange childcare during planned evenings or other relevant activity, which can be coordinated through the hotel by calling the Concierge at +34 93 221 10 00. Please reference the President's Club program agenda to ensure you have made the proper arrangements.
*Please Note: Hotel Arts Barcelona has a maximum room occupancy of 3 guests per room, regardless of age. Therefore, should you be traveling with more than three (3) people, including yourself, an additional room, or upgraded room, is required to accommodate. Additional rooms and upgrades are based on availability, are not guaranteed, and are at your own expense. Please feel free to reach out to the registration team with any questions and to check on options.
3. What attire is appropriate?
This year, Club is being held in a historical city rather than a beach resort, so the dress recommendations have changed from previous years. Below, please find some guidelines to assist you with packing. Click here for more details on recommended attire. Weather can change frequently throughout the day/night, so we recommend you dress in layers. Following are a few suggestions for clothing:
 Travel Attire, Hat, Sunscreen and Comfortable Walking Shoes. Don't forget your cameras!
 Activities  Please reference your chosen activity descriptions for clothing suggestions (e.g., requirements for Church   Tours - knees and shoulders must be covered)
 Night  Dressy Jeans, Collared Shirts, Light Jacket, Sweater or Wrap
 Dinner Events
 Summit/Top Ten Dinner – European Casual – Dressy Jeans or Dress Pants, Collared Shirts or Dressy   Tops, Dresses, Skirts, Light Jacket, Sweater or Wrap
 Welcome Reception – European Casual – Dressy Jeans or Dress Pants, Collared Shirts or Dressy Tops,   Dresses, Skirts, Light Jacket, Sweater or Wrap
 Group Evening - European Casual – Dressy Jeans or Dress Pants, Collared Shirts or Dressy Tops,   Dresses,   Skirts, Light Jacket, Sweater or Wrap
 Awards Night – Cocktail Attire – Sport Coat & Slacks or Suit, Cocktail Dress or Dressy Skirts & Tops
4. How do I make dinner reservations for the free night on Wednesday, April 22, 2020?
There are so many wonderful restaurants to choose from in Barcelona and the President's Club Registration Team is happy to help you with questions, reservations or recommendations.  You may also click here for a listing of recommended restaurants.
5. When is payment due for non-hosted activities?
Please note that upon completion of your registration, a fifty (50%) percent deposit of your non-hosted activity cost will be charged to your (non-TriNet) personal credit/debit card.  You will have the ability to make any changes to your selected activity until the deadline of Friday, March 13, at which time, the remaining balance will be due. Refunds and/or changes will not be available after this date.
6. Do I need a credit/debit card for my incidental charges at the Hotel Arts Barcelona?
Yes.  As a standard hotel check-in procedure, the Hotel Arts will need a (non-TriNet) personal credit/debit card from all guests.  This card will be authorized for €150 (approximately $175 USD) to guarantee your incidental charges such as in-room mini-bar, movies, telephone charges, laundry, etc.  Upon check-out, you are responsible for settling your own account.  If you do not have a (non-TriNet) personal credit/debit card, please contact the President's Club Registration Team before traveling to Barcelona.
7. Will I be able to use my electrical appliances in the hotel?
The electric current is 220 volts throughout Spain with 2 pin wall sockets.  This differs from the standard U.S. electrical plugs, so you may want to bring an adapter.
8. Will my cellular phone work in Barcelona?
Please check with your individual provider for your cell phone plan’s roaming coverage.  Please note, international roaming fees can be quite costly, so we highly recommend researching the fees in advance!  Barcelona’s international dialing code is +(34).  Using apps like Skype and WhatsApp will allow you to make calls over a Wi-Fi connection without using your data plan.
9. Does the hotel have internet?
Yes, complimentary basic internet access is available in each guest room and throughout the public areas of the hotel. 
10. Is there a rental car company at the hotel?
No. Car rental companies are available at the Barcelona-El Prat Airport (BCN). TriNet will not pay for rental cars.
11. Does the Hotel Arts have a loyalty program?
The Hotel Arts Barcelona is a Ritz-Carlton property and is part of the Marriott Rewards/Marriott Bonvoy loyalty program.  Click here for more information. 
12. Do I book my own airfare?
No, when you register you will be asked for your flight information. During registration you will also be asked for you and your guest's personal information, including legal name, gender, and date of birth. This information is required by TSA for booking airfare and must match your legal identification. The President's Club Registration Team will email you an itinerary for you to approve. All flight reservations must go through the President's Club Registration Team. Once approved, e-tickets will be issued and sent via email. Any non-program related changes to your approved flights are at your own expense.
13. What if I want to reserve an additional room?
You can reserve an additional room at the Hotel Arts Barcelona at your own cost, based on availability. Please indicate your request on the hotel page of the registration process or contact the President's Club Registration Team directly for assistance. 
14. What can I expense?
Nothing except as indicated below. During the President's Club 2019 event, ground transportation at Barcelona-El Prat Airport to and from the hotel will be covered by TriNet on main Arrival Day (Thursday, April 23) and main Departure Day (Monday, April 27). Summit/Top Ten Arrival Day is Tuesday, April 21. All meals will be provided for you during the President's Club 2019 event dates. Meals on main arrival day prior to hotel arrival and on main departure day, post hotel departure are allowable expenses. All other expenses will be out of pocket. 
15. Can I expense baggage fees?
You may expense 2 regular baggage fees per person. Overweight bags/additional luggage will be at your own expense.
16. Can I expense my travel to/from my home and my originating airport (including airport parking)?
Yes. Please use your best judgement and follow corporate policies for evaluating the most cost-effective travel options to the airport. Transportation to/from the airport in Barcelona will be provided if you are travelling on main program dates.
17. What if I want to extend my stay in Barcelona?
If you would like to extend your stay at your own expense at the Hotel Arts Barcelona, before or after the group stay, please contact the President's Club Registration Team. The TriNet discount group rate is available three nights pre- & post- program. Rooms are subject to availability and are on a first-come, first-served basis.  If you must change or cancel your pre- or post-stay, please notify the President's Club Registration Team by Friday, March 13, 2020 to avoid a cancellation penalty. Work with your manager to obtain approval for any time off.
18. How can I protect myself while in Barcelona?

Prior to departure:

  • Download the AIG Travel Guard Smartphone App:
  • Click on REGISTER HERE
  • Enter your first and last names, TriNet email address and Policy number: 8374140 Click SUBMIT
  • You will receive an automated email with a temporary password to access the secure website and enter a new password
  • Logon - click the Mobile tab and follow the directions to download the mobile app

Upon Arrival:

Barcelona is considered a safe place to visit by international standards. However, like any modern city, there is crime and precautions should be taken. In 2019 there has been a rise in petty crime with violence. However violent crime levels are generally considered to be low and the city generally safe for visitors. 

Pickpockets are the main crime problem for tourists visiting Barcelona. Pickpockets are prevalent in popular tourist areas, so be aware in busy tourist places, airports, train stations, metro and in the hotel lobby.  It is strongly recommended you follow these security tips during your visit:

  • Do not carry your wallet in a back pocket
  • Do not put phones, cameras on table at cafes
  • Wear your backpack on the front in touristy areas
  • Always keep bags closed and on your lap at cafes/coffee bars
  • Be wary of any strangers approaching you or touching you
  • Do not participate in street games like the three-shell game
  • Be extra aware on beaches and in the metro
  • Be extra aware when watching street shows
  • Be extra aware on La RamblaSagrada Familia church, Sants station and in the metro
  • Be extra aware in the hotel lobby, at airport bus stops and airport transport
  • Do not wear high end expensive watches and jewelry in main shopping areas, outside popular night clubs and outside expensive hotels

If your wallet or handbag are stolen report it to police before you leave Barcelona. There’s a possibility it may be found and turned into the police. 

Currently you must go to a police station to report a theft. Ask at reception if you can report a theft from the hotel.  If not, the most convenient police stations to report a theft in the center of Barcelona are the police stations on Plaça Catalunya and on Nou de la Rambla.

19. What should I do in the event of a non-medical emergency?
Call 112 and ask for an English speaking operator then notify TriNet Director, Corporate Security and Safety, Michael John, +1 408.464.6878.  Follow instructions provided by first responders.
20. What should I do in the event of a medical emergency?
Call 112 ask for an English speaking operator and follow instructions provided by first responders. Be sure to notify the TriNet President's Club Registration Team at +1 415-501-9131.  The nearest hospital to the Hotel Arts Barcelona is Hospital del Mar and can be reached at +34 932 48 30 00.
21. What should I do if I'm not feeling well but it's not an emergency?
Notify the TriNet President's Club Registration Team at +1 415-501-9131.
22. By the way, do TriNet policies apply while I’m at President’s Club?

Yes, all TriNet policies apply to every colleague at all times, including at President’s Club.  Policies you should keep in mind at all times during President’s Club include, among others, the following:

  • Business Ethics and Code of Conduct Policy,
  • Policy Against Harassment and Discrimination, and
  • Drug and Alcohol/Substance Abuse Policy.
23. If I need to report a policy violation, what should I do?

If you suspect or know of a violation of TriNet policy, you should:

  • Email, or
  • Email, or
  • Use the Ethics Hotline and Portal:
    • Report online:
    • Report by phone: 1-800-307-3065
When you contact the Ethics Hotline and Portal, whether by phone or online, a web-based form will document the information you provide. This completed form will be sent to TriNet to ensure that the individuals with the appropriate expertise can effectively respond to the question or concern. TriNet takes this process and the confidential nature of your submission very seriously. At the time you utilize the Hotline or Portal you will receive instructions from the Hotline or Portal on how to check back in and receive status updates regarding your submission.
24. What will happen if I report a policy violation?
If misconduct is alleged and any material factual issues exist, an investigation is necessary to help TriNet better understand what happened so that in the event any improper conduct occurred, it can be properly addressed. In an investigation, we gather relevant information about the alleged misconduct and the individuals and circumstances involved, analyze the information, resolve conflicts in the information, make findings as to what likely occurred and, in the event any of the allegations are substantiated, report the findings to the appropriate decision-makers so that determinations about corrective action can be made and then acted on.
While an investigation is underway, interim measures may be taken to ensure problems do not arise or continue during the investigation.
If no investigation is necessary because the relevant facts are undisputed, the appropriate decision-makers will be notified and will make determinations about corrective action, if any is warranted, and any corrective action decided upon will be implemented as soon as possible.
25. Who will investigate, if necessary?
Issues are generally investigated by either the Business Conduct & Ethics (“BC&E”) team in the Legal department or by the Human Resources department.

BC&E will generally investigate complaints alleging violation of the following:

  • TriNet's Business Ethics and Code of Conduct Policy; 
  • TriNet's policies related to corporate responsibility and insider trading; 
  • TriNet's policies on expenses, travel and signature authority as they relate to fraud or other ethical impropriety; 
  • TriNet's policies supporting equal employment opportunity, including those prohibiting discrimination, harassment and retaliation; and 
  • Potential violations of federal, state or local law.

BC&E may ask for help from HR, Internal Audit, or other teams with the investigation or aspects of the investigative effort as warranted – and in some instances may ask an outside investigator to conduct the investigation. In such circumstances, BC&E shall retain ultimate responsibility for the investigation, unless circumstances dictate otherwise.

Human Resources will generally conduct all other investigations.

Other Teams and Departments, such as Privacy or InfoSec, may need to investigate complaints or concerns that implicate colleague conduct relating to privacy or information security.